Strengthening the fragility-sensitive monitoring and planning system for local authorities in the Centre-East region
Strengthening the monitoring system . In Burkina Faso, and in the Centre-East region, the security crisis coupled with the difficult health context marked by the Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated an already very fragile situation characterised by poverty, poor access to basic social services (health, drinking water, education), increasing climatic hazards, and also the vulnerability of the population, increased in particular by the displacement of people.
In February 2021, with the support of a consortium of partner NGOs, Enabel carried out a "contextual analysis of the fragility and vulnerability of populations in the Centre-East regions", focusing on the issue of internally displaced persons. The results of this study served as the basis for the mission to formulate this 4th amendment to the portfolio, carried out in September 2021. The mission consisted of deepening the understanding of fragilities and vulnerabilities and proposing a series of actions to complement the portfolio. These actions have been given the name of "Intervention transversale Fragilité".
This intervention is in line with the overall objective of the 2019-2023 portfolio of Belgian-Burkinabè bilateral cooperation, which is to "contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in the Centre-East region".
Donor Belgian Development Agency (ENABEL) Reference number : 2022-06-5600 Financial Total funds available €269,000 Minimum amount: €200.000 Maximum amount €269.000 |
Countries Geographic coverage
The actions are to be implemented in the following country : Burkina Faso, in the Centre-East region and in particular in 4 communes: Bittou, Koupela, Pouytenga and Ouargaye. |
The cross-cutting intervention to address fragility has the following objective: "to strengthen the capacity of local actors to monitor vulnerabilities/fragilities, to adapt the response (emergency and long-term) and to strengthen social cohesion in the Centre-Est region within five territories". This is broken down into five areas of results:
R1/ Local players have strengthened their analysis of vulnerability factors and improved their ability to plan responses;
R2/ Accessibility to basic services (health, civil status, education), including for displaced populations, is improved, with particular attention paid to women and young people;
R3/ The empowerment of women and young people in the Centre-East region is promoted;
R4/ Conflict prevention and resolution is improved;
R5/ The ability to monitor fragility within the portfolio is systematically structured.
As part of the implementation of the "fragility" intervention, the Enabel Burkina Faso representation is seeking applications from qualified organisations that can provide technical assistance for the implementation of interventions to strengthen the capacity of local stakeholders to analyse factors of fragility and vulnerability in order to improve their capacity to plan responses.
General objective - Strengthening the monitoring system
The general objective of this call for proposals is to contribute to the inclusive and sustainable economic and social development of the Centre-East region.
Specific objective(s) -Strengthening the monitoring system
The specific objective of this call for proposals is :
Strengthening the fragility-sensitive monitoring and planning system for local authorities in the Central East region
The expected results are :
- A study giving a clear understanding of the trajectory of movements is produced
- Local authorities are equipped with enhanced protection monitoring systems (tools, monitors, equipment).
- Local authorities systematically include data on monitoring fragility
- Local authorities have up-to-date data on fragility and vulnerability that can be used for planning and decision-making purposes
- Contingency plans sensitive to fragility have been drawn up for each of the 4 communes
- Local governance is improved thanks to the quality of planning
- The role of local players in analysing the vulnerability of territories to fragility is strengthened
14 months
Eligibility - Strengthening the monitoring system
1) To be eligible for subsidies, applicants must satisfy the following conditions:
- be a legal entity; and
- Be a non-profit association or foundation, or
- Be a legal entity under private law whose primary objective is not to maximise profit;
- Be established or represented in Burkina Faso;
- Be directly responsible for preparing and managing the action with the co-applicant(s) and not act as an intermediary;
- Have a mandate or mission in line with the subject of this call for proposals;
- Demonstrate previous experience with an international donor (already managed projects funded by international cooperation organisations, the European Union or the United Nations system), in connection with the theme of this call for proposals;
- Have already managed a subsidy equivalent to 50% of the amount requested (a certificate of completion signed by the funder is required as proof)
- Demonstrate a minimum level of accounting and management organisation (administrative, financial, logistics, human resources, purchasing) and financial statements certified by an independent body (auditor or statutory auditor). These statements may not be more than 2 years old;
- At least seven years' experience in the design, management, implementation and monitoring-evaluation of economic empowerment projects;
- Good experience of working with international agencies implementing regional programmes related to the theme of this call for proposals.
- The applicant may act either individually or with one or more co-applicants.
2) Potential applicants may not participate in calls for proposals or receive grants if they are in one of the exclusion situations described in Annex VII of the model grant agreement provided in Annex E of these guidelines.
In section 2.8 of the grant application ("declaration by the applicant"), the applicant must declare that neither he/she nor the co-applicant(s) are in one of the exclusion situations and that they will be able to provide the following supporting documents:
- recent certificate of non-bankruptcy ;
- recent certificate of compliance with obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which it is established;
- recent proof of compliance with obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which it is established.
If the grant is awarded, the applicant becomes the beneficiary-contractor identified in Appendix F (Grant Agreement). The beneficiary-contractor is the main contact for the contracting authority. It represents any other beneficiaries (co-applicants) and acts on their behalf. It designs and coordinates the implementation of the action.
Partnership with potential co-applicants is not compulsory but is encouraged in order to cover the different types of actions envisaged (see 2.1.3).
The co-applicant(s) are involved in defining and implementing the action, and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the applicant.
The co-applicant(s) must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- be a legal entity; and be a not-for-profit association or a foundation; or be a legal entity under private law whose primary objective is not to maximise profit;
- be established or represented in Burkina Faso;
- have a mandate or mission in line with the subject of this call for proposals;
- have at least two years' experience working in the field of frailty monitoring;
- At least two years' experience in supporting local authorities.
Useful information for applying | For more information clClick on this link |