Association Burkinabè de Fundraising

"The most important thing, I think, is to have led people to have confidence in themselves, to understand that at last they can sit down and write about their development, write about their happiness and say what they want. And at the same time, to feel what the price is for happiness".

The Change the Game Academy programme


The Change the Game Academy (CtGA) programme was born in a context where many Community Based Associations (CBAs) with noble objectives and missions are unable to carry out their development programmes or projects. This is due, among other things, to the lack of technical support, the lack of necessary resources, and the scarcity and difficulty of mobilising resources with Northern partners.


CtGA uses a blended learning approach: a combination of online and classroom learning. It is also possible to access free, self-paced online training without taking a classroom course at


The Change the Game Academy aims to change the 'rules' of the development game: to transfer power to communities and enable them to shape their own futures. Many civil society organisations in the South are dependent on foreign funding to do their work, which makes them vulnerable and at risk of working under the thumb of donors. Change the Game Academy aims to end this dependency by supporting self-sustaining local organisations to build their fundraising capacity. 

Raising national resources not only improves financial sustainability, but also increases community engagement, local ownership and legitimacy of organisations. 

In addition, as organisations with a local support base are better placed to hold their governments to account, we also train organisations to mobilise government support. The Change the Game Academy offers online training, classroom courses and individual coaching.

About Wilde Ganzen

The Wilde Ganzen Foundation is a Dutch NGO, founded in 1957, whose mission is to reduce poverty and inequality through community-led initiatives. The Wilde Ganzen Foundation supports community-based organisations in the South and their Dutch fundraising partners in their joint efforts to achieve a better future, driven by the firm belief that communities should have control over their own development.

Local fundraising

Module 1: Basics of local resources mobilisation

This module presents the reasons why local fundraising is important for an organisation and a quick analysis to assess your own situation. This introductory module introduces you to several of these reasons.

NOTE: If you have difficulties following this course online, you can télécharger le PDF of this first module.


When CSOs (civil society organisations) increase and diversify their income through community philanthropy, they not only become stronger and more autonomous, but also begin to shift the power of international and foreign donors to where it belongs.

What you can expect

First watch some introductory videos to help you understand the benefits of local fundraising. Then, using tools, analyse your organisation's current situation and feel confident to develop your own fundraising strategy.

Knowledge and skills

You will learn about the main reasons for local fundraising and map out the actual and desired financial situation of your organisation.

What you get


  • Various reasons to start fundraising and mobilising support at local level


  • a quick analysis of your own organisation's situation with regard to diversifying its income sources.

Module 2: Fundraising techniques

This module starts with an explanation of fundraising and then covers the main techniques of fundraising.


To become a successful fundraiser, it is necessary to understand the different fundraising techniques and to organise your organisation effectively.

What you can expect

You will learn about the key features of effective fundraising, the different fundraising techniques and how to build your fundraising team.

Knowledge and skills

At the end of this module, you will know how to determine the most appropriate fundraising techniques and how to organise fundraising within your organisation.

What you get


  • what different fundraising techniques to use


  • Identification of the most appropriate fundraising techniques to approach donors
  • How to organise yourself for effective fundraising

Module 3: Individual donors

This module covers the essentials of raising funds from individuals.


By understanding the different types of individual donors and their motivations for giving, you can choose the right approach to connect them to your cause.

What you can expect

In this module, different types of donors, their motivations for giving and various techniques for approaching individual donors are presented.

Knowledge and skills

At the end of this module, you will be able to select the private donors with whom you are most likely to succeed.

What you get


  • What are the most common donor groups?
  • What are their motivations for donating?
  • The donor appreciation cycle


  • Identification of potential individual donors

Module 4: Corporate Donors

This module covers the main elements of fundraising and other corporate contributions.


Fundraising can be done with several types of donors. For many organisations, individual donors are the main target group. However, companies can also be an important source of income and support. To be successful in fundraising with companies, you need to understand that different types of companies have different motives and options for giving funds. Then you will know how to formulate your request.

What you can expect

In this module you will learn that just like individual donors, companies can be divided into different types, each with their own motivations and options when giving. You will meet two imaginary potential donors and learn more about their specific motivations. Then the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is explained and you will learn how to choose which companies to approach and what to ask them.

Knowledge and skills

By the end of this module you will have learned how to select the companies with which you have the highest chance of success and why. You will also know what you can ask of them and how to do it.

What you get


  • What are the reasons for different types of companies to donate?
  • What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


  • A donor assessment test (to be found in the module on fundraising with Individual Donors)
  • The list of your organisation's needs for which you can request support from a company
  • A step-by-step guide on how to approach companies
  • How to organise yourself to raise funds effectively (see the module on fundraising with Individual Donors)

Module 5: Fundraising plan for a project

When developing a fundraising plan for a project, there are a number of questions to consider, including: what elements of the project might interest which type of donor? And what type of fundraising techniques can best be used for a specific type of donor? Building on the work of modules 2 and 3, this module helps you to develop a fundraising plan.


If you want to fundraise successfully for a project, you need to look carefully at your options, make an inventory of possibilities, make choices, plan activities over time, calculate how much each activity will cost and how much it will bring in, and decide who will do what. A plan that takes all these elements and more into account helps to make the right choices and is a necessary tool for success.

What you can expect


In this module you will learn the different steps needed to make a fundraising plan for a project. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Choose a project and identify the needs of the project
  • Identify different support options: cash, in-kind and volunteer
  • Decide which groups of donors to target
  • Decide which fundraising techniques to choose
  • Detail selected activities
  • And finally put it all together in a plan.

By the end of this module, you will have your fundraising plan ready. Take a look at the examples of such a plan and get started!


Knowledge and skills

By the end of this module, you will have your fundraising plan ready. Take a look at the examples of such a plan and get started!

What you get


  • how to write a detailed fundraising plan for a project of your choice


  • an outline with instructions for developing a fundraising plan

Module 6: Action plan for a local fundraising event

This module provides the basics of event organisation. It helps in thinking, choosing, planning and budgeting.


Organising an event is a good way to undertake a fundraising activity. However, you need to do it well or you risk doing more damage to your organisation or spending more money than you raise. So you need to prepare well and follow the step-by-step steps provided in this module.

What you can expect

This module helps you to develop a plan for organising an event. This is done through thirteen steps ranging from determining the objectives of the event, identifying potential donor groups, selecting the appropriate type of event, estimating income, identifying resource requirements, calculating interest, planning the sequence and duration of the event, identifying tasks and managers, setting up a publicity plan, organising pre-event, day-of and post-event activities.

Knowledge and skills

By the end of this module you should be able to organise an event, all aspects including

What you get


  • The basics of different types of events
  • Master the development of a complete action plan for organising an event.


  • Needs assessment framework; choosing date and venue; budgeting; making a publicity plan; developing a guest list; describing the sequences of the event
  • Checks on material needs for activities to be carried out during the event
  • Template for thank you or evaluation letters 
  • Practical framework for developing a comprehensive action plan

Module 7: Effective fundraising communication


In this module, you will learn how to use photos, make presentations, and write a press release.




To mobilise support and funds, you need to communicate in a convincing way.


What you can expect


Based on the tips, tricks and exercises, you will be able to develop or improve your own fundraising communication, for a project or for the whole organisation.


Knowledge and skills


You know the importance of showing, telling and listening and what a lightning argument and a supporting argument are. You have learned to use these techniques to communicate in a convincing way.


What you get


  • How to make good oral, written and visual presentations
  • How to write a press release


  • Support Case Builder
  • Organisation brochure creator
  • Lightning argument creator

Module 8: Strong donor relations


This module teaches you how to encourage existing donors to increase their contributions and/or give more often. The set of tools and techniques used to do this is called donor relationship management.




If you can convince existing donors to give more, or to give more often, you can increase your organisation's income and make it more sustainable.


What you can expect


This module will help you to develop a step-by-step donor relations plan and programme that is appropriate for your organisation and that takes into account all the important elements of good donor relations management.


Knowledge and skills

At the end of this module, you will know:

  • The different stages of the donor relations cycle
  • The importance of donor relationship management
  • The main reasons why donors give or stop giving
  • Important aspects of reporting to donors
  • The various ways of keeping in touch with your donors
  • The definition of a donor database and its use

And you will have the skills to:

  • Divide your donors into different groups
  • Make a good combination of donor communication channels and tools
  • Develop a donor database and use it wisely.


What you get


  • Questionnaire for self-assessment of your current activities on donor relations
  • Choosing the donor relations channels that are most appropriate for your organisation
  • Donor relations plan and programme

Module 9: Developing and improving your website

This module teaches you the basics of designing and using a website.


The website is the gateway to your organisation and can benefit it in many ways. To create an effective website, it is important to understand the different objectives of a website and to know the key elements of website design.

What you can expect

In this module you will learn about the objectives of a website, the benefits it can bring to your organisation, the key elements of website content and design and how you should organise the work related to your website. At the end of the module you can carry out an evaluation of your own organisation's website, which would form the basis of an improvement plan.

Knowledge and skills

By the end of this module, you will know the different purposes of a website and the most important benefits that a website can bring you. You will already know the key elements of website content and design, and the different tasks and expertise needed to create and manage a website. You know the strengths and weaknesses of your current website (if you have one) and where you can improve.
If you do not have a website or if you want to create a new website, you can ask yourself the essential questions about website technology before you start creating a website.

What you get


  • How to determine the relevant objectives for your website
  • Questions you should ask yourself about website technology before you start designing a website
  • How to create relevant content
  • How to choose good images and visual aids
  • The skills and tasks needed to create a website


  • An exercise to determine whether the objectives are relevant to your website
  • A list of the top five things to remember about your website content
  • Good practice in the use of images and visual aids on the website
  • An evaluation of the website
  • A checklist with eight questions that a web designer might ask you and that you should be able to answer

Module 10: Effective documentation

In Module 7 you learned how to develop effective communication materials for resource mobilisation. This module focuses on the process of collecting, storing and disseminating the information you need to develop these materials.



To communicate effectively, information must be stored securely. Information must also be accessible, up-to-date and easy to use. Therefore, effective documentation requires clear processes and procedures for documentation. Effective documentation is important for:

  • The organisation of resource mobilisation activities
  • Grant writing
  • Reporting to donors
  • Communication with the general public (use of a website, social media, press, etc.)


What you can expect


This module helps you to describe the actual situation of collecting, storing and checking information in your organisation. It helps you decide what improvements you want to make, who to assign tasks to and how to deal with privacy/confidentiality issues.


Knowledge and skills


You will have knowledge of:

  • The different types of documentation needed for communication and resource mobilisation
  • Relevant principles to be kept in mind with regard to the storage and dissemination of electronic and paper-based information.  
  • Formats and standards for documentation


What you get


  • The principles of collecting, storing and disseminating good documentation


  • An inventory of the types of documentation your organisation already has and those it still needs.
  • Formats for designating the person responsible for collecting, storing and disseminating the documentation and defining your privacy / confidentiality policy.
  • A tool that allows you to categorise your electronic information files.
  • A documentation manual that describes the current situation of your organisation and what you still want to improve.

Project writing

A project plan is a clear outline of a plan to implement a project. It is an important instrument for obtaining external funding and partnerships. This course deals with applying for grants and responsible grant management.



This course is useful for you if:

  • You wish to apply for a substantial grant from an organisation or company
  • You have requested a donation and the donor has requested a project
  • You want to make sure you manage an acquired grant well
  • You want to learn how to write projects and manage grants for future use


What you can expect

We will guide you in formulating a sound proposal for funding and in managing the grant.

Knowledge and skills


Knowing how:

  • A step-by-step guide to project writing and grant management: from identifying potential donors, searching for grants, connecting with donors, presenting your organisation, understanding requirements, project design, proposal writing, grant management, reporting to grant closure.


  • ATMA-Example project
  • Example of a project of the NGO Coordination Platform for Education in Rwanda


What you get



  • Checklist for completeness of the proposal
  • Checklist for grant management responsibilities
  • Grantspace and CIVICUS resources

Module 12: Advanced local fundraising techniques

Many civil society organisations (CSOs) rely heavily on donor funding. This can make your organisation vulnerable, as the donor may decide to stop your funding at any time. This module will help CSOs to explore innovative financial models: consultancy, asset building, membership fees, social enterprise, microcredit, for-profit subsidiaries, incubation, private sector funding, social and green bonds, crowdfunding and fiscal sponsorship.


When CSOs (civil society organisations) increase and diversify their income by implementing alternative funding models, they become stronger, more autonomous and less dependent on foreign funding

What you can expect

We will describe 11 alternative and innovative funding models, indicate which organisations they are suitable for and suggest next steps for accessing funding.

Knowledge and skills

You will learn about alternative funding models and see examples of how they work, after which you can decide whether they are suitable for your organisation.

What you get


Know-how Find out about advisory services, asset building, membership fees, social enterprise, microcredit, for-profit subsidiary enterprises, incubation, private sector funding, social and green bonds, crowdfunding and fiscal sponsorship.

Tools videos, instructions, quizzes and next steps to access these alternative funding models.

This module is adapted from the course on alternative financing modelsdeveloped by WACSI.

Mobilising Support

Module 1: Why mobilise support at local level?


There are many reasons why local organisations mobilise support to bring about change in their communities. This module provides an introduction to the various approaches to mobilising support and gives good reasons for engaging in support mobilisation initiatives.

You can follow this module in two ways:

  • Apply everything you have learned to your own organisation.
  • Learn how to mobilise support and improve your techniques without applying them to your own case -> to do this, go to your dashboard / My global settings and "Ignore 'your case' for the Support Mobilisation modules".



CBOs and NGOs seek to promote the improvement of the living conditions of groups that deserve to enjoy all their rights. Mobilising support seeks more systematic and sustainable solutions for these groups with the support of other citizens and national or local authorities.

What you can expect

This introductory module explains how various approaches to mobilising support can bring about positive change. Various actors present examples from their own organisations and let you discover the various steps in developing a strategy and the principles for effective implementation of activities.

Knowledge and skills

You will learn about the reasons why organisations initiate support mobilisation actions in addition to their activities that directly help people or groups in need. With this initial understanding of support mobilisation, you can try to determine whether these approaches are already part of/could be part of your organisation's activities.

What you get


  • Various reasons for promoting change through mobilising support and an understanding of the various ways to achieve it.


  • A continuum showing that the means of mobilising support can range from full cooperation to confrontational actions. A cycle of successive steps for planning and conducting a support mobilisation initiative. A rapid assessment of the capacity you and your organisation already have to begin mobilising support

Module 2: Understanding the situation and obstacles


This module looks at the obstacles that have caused the situation you want to change and the possible solutions. It explains, on the basis of this analysis of obstacles and solutions, how you can define your theme for mobilising support (the specific problem on which you should focus your efforts).

You can follow this module in two ways:

  • Apply everything you have learned to your own organisation.
  • Learn how to mobilise support and improve your techniques without applying them to your own case -> to do this, go to your dashboard / My global settings and "Ignore 'your case' for the Support Mobilisation modules".



Formulating the support mobilisation theme is an important step in developing a support mobilisation strategy. A well-defined support mobilisation theme allows you to decide what to do and what not to do.

What you can expect

In this module you will identify the key problem to be solved, formulate the theme for mobilising support and decide on the solution you wish to promote.

Knowledge and skills

At the end of this module you will have learned to:

  • Analyse and understand the issues that determine the situation you want to solve 
  • Choosing solutions to these problems
  • Formulate your support mobilisation issue


What you get


  • The conceptual sketch/contextual image The problem and solution tree

Module 3: Context Analysis


This module focuses on how to conduct a good environmental scan. It begins with an overview of the various reasons for conducting a context analysis. It then goes on to discuss all the aspects that make up a context. These are:

  • Factors: political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental elements that form the context in which problems occur.
  • The actors (also called stakeholders): your beneficiaries, your own organisation, and your allies and opponents.
  • The decision-making and implementation process.

You can follow this module in two ways:

  • Apply everything you have learned to your own organisation.
  • Learn how to mobilise support and improve your techniques without applying them to your own case -> to do this, go to your dashboard / My global settings and "Ignore 'your case' for the Support Mobilisation modules".



If you fully understand the context in which you are working, you will be able to develop a good strategy for mobilising support. Therefore, doing a context analysis is crucial to the success of your activities.

What you can expect

In this module, you will learn how to formulate the policy issue and solution (the first message) you want to promote. You will build on the expectations of the beneficiaries, how to involve them, and learn different ways of dealing with your allies and opponents. Finally, you will analyse the decision-making process that you want to change in favour of your beneficiaries.

Knowledge and skills

At the end of this module, you will have learned to analyse the various aspects of the context, including your own organisation, to better take into account the dreams and wishes of your beneficiaries, to differentiate between your allies and your opponents and to base your activities on this, and to determine whether you should focus on lobbying for compliance with existing rules or decisions, or lobbying for a new policy decision.

What you get


  • The PESTLE questionnaire for the description of the factors that form the context;
  • The Participation Scale on beneficiary involvement in your initiative;
  • SWOT analysis, the 5-C Test, the IOM model and the questionnaire for the analysis of your own organisation;
  • The Allies and Adversaries Matrix to decide where to focus your efforts.

Module 4: Planning your support mobilisation project


When writing a plan for a support mobilisation project, all the elements of the analysis fit together: they will suggest several possible options for actions and activities from which you will have to choose. Once the initial topic and message are clear, it is important to develop a strategy for deciding which activities to present in your plan. You will also need to determine what resources you will need. In this module you will look at the information you need to present in your plan. In the rest of this module you will develop all the elements of your plan. The plan also includes how you will monitor and evaluate your action.

You can follow this module in two ways:

  • Apply everything you have learned to your own organisation.
  • Learn how to mobilise support and improve your techniques without applying them to your own case -> to do this, go to your dashboard / My global settings and "Ignore 'your case' for the Support Mobilisation modules".



Careful planning will help you to make your support mobilisation project as effective as possible. A good plan will help you tailor your activities to your capacities and resources. It will also help you to communicate your project to your allies and colleagues.

What you can expect


In this module you will learn what information should be presented in a support mobilisation plan. You will formulate the objectives. You will learn how to use your analysis to design a workable plan. You will be encouraged to make clear strategic choices before presenting the activities, budget and indicators for monitoring changes during and after your project.

By the end of this module, you will have written a comprehensive plan for a support mobilisation activity.


Knowledge and skills

By developing a concrete project plan, you will be able to draft similar plans for other problems and obstacles that require support mobilisation.

What you get

Knowing how

  • Understand the information required for a comprehensive planning document.


  • How to develop a strategy for mobilising support? How to develop a budget? How to develop indicators?


  • Model for a support mobilisation plan Model for a monitoring plan Model for a budget

Module 5: Communication techniques


In this module you will learn how to better communicate your message of support mobilisation. We will focus on positioning and conveying skills through listening, framing, writing, presenting and negotiating. You can choose the skills you want to improve: this course is tailor-made for you.

You can follow this module in two ways:

  • Apply everything you have learned to your own organisation.
  • Learn how to mobilise support and improve your techniques without applying them to your own case -> to do this, go to your dashboard / My global settings and "Ignore 'your case' for the Support Mobilisation modules".




Once you have formulated a support mobilisation plan, skills such as active listening, presentation, negotiation and writing are needed to successfully communicate your message.


What you can expect


You will learn to distinguish between positioning and delivering a message. Profiling your audience, active listening and choosing the right frame are skills for correctly positioning your support mobilisation initiative. Through writing, presenting and negotiating, you will effectively convey your message.


Knowledge and skills


By the end of this module, you will be able to choose the right audience for each message, listen better to what is said (or not said) and know how to question your beneficiaries. In addition, you have chosen the right framework for your initiative, for example by talking about rights rather than needs. Through advocacy group visits, advocacy letters, presentations and negotiations, you can convince your stakeholders of your position.


What you get


  • The audience profiling matrix
  • Tools for active listening
  • Instructions on how to interview special groups
  • The RAIC tool for finding legal arguments
  • The ingredients for an appeal letter
  • Model on how to prepare a presentation
  • Exercises on negotiation techniques
  • Checklist for an advocacy group visit

Module 6: Evaluation


In this module you will learn how to evaluate your project. We will assist you throughout the process: from designing your evaluation approach, to collecting and analysing information, to writing your report and preparing a learning plan.

You can follow this module in two ways:

  • Apply everything you have learned to your own organisation.
  • Learn how to mobilise support and improve your techniques without applying them to your own case -> to do this, go to your dashboard / My global settings and "Ignore 'your case' for the Support Mobilisation modules".




People often evaluate for reasons of accountability: you have to show what you have achieved and how you have used your budget. But evaluations are also excellent learning opportunities.


What you can expect


In addition to the informative know-how sessions, videos and exercises, you can use this module to write your own step-by-step self-assessment report.


Knowledge and skills


By the end of this module, you will know when to use your evaluation for accountability or learning purposes (or both), how to write an evaluation report, and how to translate the lessons learned into learning plans and free publicity.


What you get

How to do it

  • an overview of the different forms of evaluation
  • an 8-step plan for writing your own assessment
  • ideas on how to use evaluation methods


  • you can separate efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and do a cost-benefit analysis
  • you can write conclusions and recommendations
  • you can develop an individual and organisational learning plan
  • you have tested your progress by completing a final organisational capacity assessment
  • you know how to mobilise support and overcome resistance to change

Gender Module


This course is about power relations, diversity and gender. Gender roles are often linked to power relations, but there are many other power relations. We will explore how power relations, diversity and gender roles influence your daily life, work and lobbying practices.

You can follow this module in two ways:

  • Apply everything you have learned to your own organisation.
  • Learn how to mobilise support and improve your techniques without applying them to your own case -> to do this, go to your dashboard / My global settings and "Ignore 'your case' for the Support Mobilisation modules".




This course is useful if you want to :

  • understanding and negotiating gender roles and power relations.
  • understand the role of diversity and increase a respectful and inclusive attitude.


What you can expect


After this course :

  • You will be able to constantly reflect on existing power relations and gender roles and your attitude in this context.
  • You will recognise the importance of diversity and be able to respect others from different backgrounds.


Knowledge and skills



  • You will recognise how power relations are constructed in lobbying contexts.
  • You will learn how gender roles and stereotypes influence everyday life and lobby contexts.


  • You will develop the skills to negotiate power relations in your work and lobbying activities.
  • You will develop the skills to work respectfully with others from different backgrounds and in different (political) contexts.


What you get



  • The Game of Life" tool to understand how power dynamics influence your life chances
  • Tool for assessing the gender neutrality of your lobbying plan
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