Association Burkinabè de Fundraising

"The most important thing, I think, is to have led people to have confidence in themselves, to understand that at last they can sit down and write about their development, write about their happiness and say what they want. And at the same time, to feel what the price is for happiness".


A world where development initiatives affect all levels of the population and where ABCs play their full role with the active and conscious participation of all social strata.


Accompany Civil Society Organisations in their activities for endogenous community development, especially in mobilising support and resources,  


Strengthen the skills of CBAs with technical support and monitoring of the learning process. Raise awareness on the importance of local resource mobilisation and financial independence to promote endogenous development.


Once upon a time, in Burkina Faso, there was a group of people who cared about the future of their country. They knew that NGOs and associations played a crucial role in the development of their community. They had noticed that these organisations often lacked the financial resources and technical support to implement their programmes on the ground. This prevented them from having a significant and lasting impact on people's lives.

This is how the Association Burkinabè de Fundraising (ABF), a non-political and non-profit association, was created on 23 December 2008 in Ouagadougou. The objective of the ABF was clear: Work in capacity building of community-based associations committed to endogenous development so that they can implement concrete projects on the ground.

A partner in endogenous development

Since its creation, ABF has grown and succeeded in accompanying several community-based associations throughout the country. It has also organised training to build the capacity of local actors and has helped to create strong partnerships between different organisations.

Thanks to its hard work and commitment to sustainable development, the ABF was officially recognised on 22 May 2009, strengthening its credibility and visibility among local and international stakeholders.

A partner in endogenous development

Today, ABF continues to support NGOs and associations so that they can play a dynamic role in building an emerging Burkina Faso. It has become a reference in the field of fundraising and continues to inspire many civil society actors throughout the country. Thanks to her work, many communities have benefited from concrete projects that have improved their quality of life and well-being.

Nous intervenons partout au Burkina et en Afrique francophone

ABF : Innovation et strategie

Trois (3) programmes

L'ABF, en partenariat avec Wilde Ganzen, met en œuvre le programme "Change the Game". En 2020, l'ABF met au Burkina Faso le programme "Giving for Change" ainsi que le cofinancement de micro-projets.

23 formateurs certifiés

ABF has one Master Trainer and more than 23 Certified Trainers in Local Resource Mobilisation and Support Mobilisation.

CtGA concept leader

ABF dispose d'un plateau technique professionnel comprenant des salles bien équipées, du matériel de formation et des supports adaptés. Forte de 6 années d'expérience avec le programme Change the Game Academy, l'ABF a formé plus de 151 organisations de la société civile au Burkina Faso et en Afrique francophone.

A Change the Game Academy BF network

Le réseau Change the Game Academy regroupe des organisations de la société civile engagées dans la mobilisation de ressources et le soutien local, formées par le programme coordonné par l'Association Burkinabè de Fundraising en Afrique francophone.

The programmes de ABF

Change the Game Academy

Since 2017 ABF, collaborates with its partner NGO Wilde Ganzen from the Netherlands, for the implementation of the Change the Game Academy (CtGA) programme in Burkina Faso and Francophone Africa. It provides an alternative vision and scientific approach to Support Mobilisation (SM) and Local Resource Mobilisation (LRM).

Since 2017, ABF has trained more than 60 Community-Based Associations (CBAs) in Burkina Faso, of which 90%s have put into practice what they have learned and have successfully implemented their local development projects.

Face-to-face training

You can also decide to follow one of our face-to-face training courses in module sessions and practice between sessions. The period of face-to-face training is between 4 and 6 months in consultation with you.

Online training 

You can follow the Change the Game courses for free at 

ABF can provide technical support via Skype, Zoom, telephone or in person if you wish to be accompanied.  

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Giving for Change

Since 2021, the Association Burkinabè de Fundraising (ABF) has been Wilde Ganzen's national anchor institute for the implementation of the "Giving for Change" programme in Burkina Faso. Together with three (3) national and eight (8) regional partners, ABF implements the programme in six (6) regions: North, Centre-North, East, Centre-East, Boucle du Mouhoun and Sahel.

This programme aims to achieve a significant and positive impact on a fair and just society where civic space is open and all citizens freely express their views and opinions, organise themselves and exercise their rights.

The central strategy is to consolidate the collective and specific professional skills of local civil society associations in mobilising support and resources from grassroots communities for endogenous development. To date, 8 ABF coach trainers and 16 certified trainers are working to equip and accompany 41 CSOs in the 6 pilot regions. 

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