Association Burkinabè de Fundraising

"The most important thing, I think, is to have led people to have confidence in themselves, to understand that at last they can sit down and write about their development, write about their happiness and say what they want. And at the same time, to feel what the price is for happiness".

Giving for Change programme

Programme Strengthening civil society in Burkina Faso

In the framework of international cooperation, the Dutch government has developed the programme "Strengthening Civil Society" with the sub-programme "Power of Voices", the NGO  Wilde Ganzen of the Netherlands has been selected as an implementation partner with its five-year programme "Giving for Change" on behalf of an international alliance. The Burkinabe Fundraising Association (ABF) is the National Anchor Institute of Giving for Change and has contextualised the programme with its partners as 'giving for endogenous development'.

ABF is headquartered in Ouagadougou and operates in French-speaking West Africa. ABF  accompanies community-based associations in achieving their mission by consolidating their professional skills in mobilising support and resources. It was founded on 23 December 2008 in Ouagadougou. The association was officially recognised on 22 May 2009 by Receipt No. 2009-333/MATD/SG/DGLPAP/DOASOC. The last renewal of the authorities was on 30 May 2020, number 2030, valid until 29 May 2025.

The role of civil society in the development of Burkina Faso

Civil society actors (CSAs) in Burkina Faso have immense potential to leverage development. Unfortunately, their credibility is often tested because they are seen as serving politics. Also, most international donors ignore the potential of CSAs. Yet, CSOs have the responsibility to locate and fill gaps in public service. They also lobby, ensure the implementation of the law, accountability and transparency, and build the capacity of members and the population through training and awareness-raising.

The Programme's target areas


Promote and enhance the culture of local giving through capacity building of local CSAs to achieve their endogenous development mission.


Influencing national and societal actors in the country to support and encourage local and national giving for endogenous development.


Convince international donors to prioritise empowerment and capacity building of local CHWs for their credibility.

Area of intervention and partner at regional level

Lists of associations in training

ImpactAdo Association Boucle du Mouhoun Dédougou Young people Ado'Déclic and Innovation-CADI Conference Project
Bambata Cooperative Boucle du Mouhoun Passakongo Mixed Project to create an agricultural training centre for production
Heerè Kadi Association Boucle du Mouhoun Dédougou Mixed Project to combat child malnutrition in the Boucle du Mouhoun
Yéda Badenya Cooperative Boucle du Mouhoun Tchériba- Dédougou Mixed Organic agriculture extension project for members of the Yéda Badenya cooperative in Dédougou
Benkadi Cooperative Boucle du Mouhoun Tchériba- Dédougou Women Non-timber forest products processing project in the communes of Dédougou and Tchériba
Sustainable Development Initiative (SDI) Central East Koupéla Mixed Strengthening the socio-educational initiative of internally displaced persons
Youth in Motion Association (YIM) Central East Koupéla Young people To contribute to the education of orphaned and vulnerable children in the province of Kouritenga
Association for the Education of Girls in Kouritenga (AEFK) Central East Koupéla Women Improving schooling for children in the province of Kouritenga
Association Tégawendé pour le Développement Inclusif de la Femme et de l'Enfant (ATDSFE) Central East Koupéla Women .
Federation of Women and Development (FFD) Central East Koupéla Women Building a training centre for destitute girls and women
Watinoma Association North Centre Kaya Women Improvement of women's socio-economic conditions
Association Espoir Jeunes Eleveurs North Centre Boussouma Fasts Improvement of living conditions
Association of Disabled Women North Centre Boulsa Disabled Improving the living conditions of women with disabilities
Association Femme Vie et Développement North Centre Yalgo Women Socio-economic development of the population
Association Burkinabè pour l'Epanouissement des Personnes Handicapées et Vulnérables North Centre Kaya Disabled Protection of specific groups
Association for the Development of Bam North Centre Kongoussi Young people Establishment of a fish farm on the lake shore
Bam Solidarity Association North Centre Kongoussi Young people Improved livestock farming in the commune of Kongoussi
Zemstaaba Association of nakomgo women North Centre Kongoussi Women Establishment of a production unit
Association of disabled people in Bourzanga North Centre Bourzanga Disabled Sheep fattening in the Bourzanga sector
Relwendé Association of Disabled People of Rissiam North Centre Rissiam Disabled Sheep fattening in Rissiam village of Kongoussi
Hamsoagni Association of Disabled Women of Gourma (AHFHG) East Fada Disabled The transformation of néré seeds into soumbala by women with disabilities.
Association for the Promotion of Youth Activities in GULMU/AUTO - EMPLOYMENT (APRAJEG/AE) East Fada Young people Employability of women and youth in insecure situations.
Cooperative Society Simplify TIN-FII East Fada Empowerment of vulnerable women through the production of soumbala from cowpea seeds.
Eastern Motorcycle Taxi Association (ATM) East Fada Young people A young person: a driver's licence trained on marketing
Youth Association for the Promotion of Culture and the Valorisation of Natural Resources (AJPR) East Fada Young people Cultural values
Association Développement Sans Frontière (DSF) North Ouahigouya Mixed Education/training/
Agir pour la Promotion de l'Education Pluridimensionnelle (APEP) North Ouahigouya Mixed Right
Association Féminine pour le Développement du Burkina (AFEDEB) North Ouahigouya Women Gender and Human Rights
Association (AJDPE) North Ouahigouya Young people Education-Environment-Training
Zero to Hero Association North Ouahigouya Young people Performing arts
Association for the Protection of the Environment and the Promotion of Livestock (ASEPE) North Oula Mixed Livestock-Education-Environmental protection
Jam Weli Association Sahel Dori/Arbinda Women Child protection
JODDALE JAM Cooperative Sahel Dori Mixed Local development
Gondal§ Sawrare Association Sahel Dori Young people Contributing to human development
Sahel Development Association (ASD) Sahel Gorom Gorom Mixed Human development and social protection
Association KING PROD Sahel Gorom Gorom Young people Good governance
ADRN Associations Sahel Dori Mixed Contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of communities
Association ACCOD/Sahel (Association of Communicators for Behaviour Change and Development) Sahel Dori Mixed Encourage the participation of the population in sustainable development activities
ARC/A.DE Association (Association for Climate Change Rehabilitation/Development Action) Sahel Gorom Gorom Mixed Climate change and development
Associations Foyer Eric Bouju Sahel Gorom-Gorom Young people Improving access to post-primary and secondary education for poor children in the Oudalan province
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