Association Burkinabè de Fundraising

« Le plus important, je crois, c’est d’avoir amené le peuple à avoir confiance en lui-même comprendre que finalement il peut s’asseoir et écrire son développement, écrire son bonheur et dire ce qu’il désire. Et en même temps, sentir quel est le prix à payer pour le bonheur »

Deadline Date: 31-Dec-2021

Donor Name: Nuffic

Grant Size: More than $1 million

Category: Grant

Reference URL: cliquez ici

langue : EN


Applications are now open for the Nuffic’s Orange Knowledge Programme- a Dutch funding programme that contributes to societies’ social and economic development by strengthening knowledge and skills of professionals and organisations. This is achieved through focusing on edu

cation, in collaboration with Dutch knowledge organisations.

The program:
  • strengthens knowledge and skills of professionals active in the priority fields through scholarships and training;
  • builds the capacity of organizations in higher education and TVET (Technical Vocational Education & Training), in collaboration with Dutch knowledge institutions.
  • The programme offers opportunities in fields related to the priority themes of the Dutch government:
    • Food and nutrition security
    • Water, energy and climate
    • Sexual and reproductive health and rights
    • Security and the rule of law
  • The countries in the program each focus on one or more of these themes. Together with the local embassy they decide which themes are applicable for each country. They do this by focusing on the local needs of each participating country.
  • In addition, the following cross-cutting themes are important in all participating countries:
    • Private sector development
    • Inclusivity of women and marginalized groups
    • Environment
Funding Information Knowledge Programme
  • Budget: € 22 0 million
  • Duration: from mid-2017 to mid-2022
Eligible Countries
Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, DR Congo, Colombia, Guinea, Egypt, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Ghana, Liberia, Indonesia, Niger, Iraq, Nigeria, Jordan, Senegal, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Mali, Somalia, Mozambique, South Sudan, Myanmar, Sudan, Palestinian Territories, Suriname, Rwanda, Yemen, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda and Vietnam.
For more information, visit Nuffic.
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